About the Artist…
Marcus was born and raised in Greensboro. He showed artistic tendencies with sketches and drawings at an early age earning him the nickname “Doodle Bug”. Always using color as a form of expression.
He studied Art and Photography at Grimsley Senior High, and Weaver Education Center, with aspirations of going into merchandising and marketing. He excelled at being able to “Capture a moment” in a photograph, or convey a mountain of meaning in a few simple lines. His use of ‘Simplicity’, was able to reach a broader audience, and appeal to a viewers own interpretation.
Through the course of life, changes in careers and locations, his artistic ambitions were put on hold. Still expressing his creativity thru Lego models, and the occasional free-form sculpture, his “hang on the wall” art, took a back burner position… and went dormant.
When his marriage failed, and his husband walked out, he felt his life had stopped. He had hit that “Black Veil Mourning” period. Life was over. Thru the counsel of friends and family, he began to see that he wasn’t starting over, he was “Carrying on, without him”.
Meeting someone in the artistic community, he was encouraged to rekindle his talent. To “Go back to the beginning when you were happy. And take it from there.” He was Happy doing Art. Taking the “Beginning” statement literally, he thought most of us start our artistic expression with Crayons. He liked crayons, they were simple, and colorful. “What could I do with a crayon?” he thought.
All of his artwork is done with Broken and Recycled crayons. He also tries to up-cycle used and discarded frames to give them new lives.
Using the metaphor that we are all like crayons. We each have our own unique color. Our own expression. Our own Place in the Big Crayon Box of Life.
Sometimes, Crayons Break. Just Like Us.
“The last time I checked, Even Broken Crayons Can Be Beautiful.”-Marcus
His work has been displayed publicly in multiple locations, and he has been commissioned for private work.